Raincloud Plots in R

The raincloud plot is a data visualization which is a combination of a density curve of the distribution, and box and whisker plot, and a histogram style dot plot. By showing the density curves these graphs provide the viewer with a much better picture of the data than a box plot by itself. It is named a raincloud plot because the density curve with the dots falling below look like rain falling from a cloud. It works best for smaller datasets where there aren’t too many observations to overwhelm the viewer with too many dots on the dot plot.

Raincloud Plot in R using the Iris dataset

However, when you have a larger dataset, some of the same code can be used to produce just the density curves and box plots.

In the following video I demonstrate how to produce each of these graphs, talking through the various pieces of code (which is all provided below).

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# small dataset example

iris %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = factor(Species), y = Petal.Length, fill = factor(Species))) +
# add half-violin from {ggdist} package
    # adjust bandwidth
    adjust = 0.5,
    # move to the right
    justification = -0.2,
    # remove the slab interval
    .width = 0,
    point_colour = NA) +

# boxplot
    width = 0.12,
    # purple outlier points
    outlier.color = "purple",
    alpha = 0.5) +

# dots
    # ploting on left side
    side = "left",
    # adjusting position
    justification = 1.1,
    # adjust grouping (binning) of observations
    binwidth = 0.1
  ) +

# Themes and Labels
  scale_fill_fivethirtyeight() +
  theme_fivethirtyeight() +
    title = "Distribution of Iris Petal Length by Species (Raincloud Plot)",
    fill = "Species"
  ) +

# Horizontal to vertical  

## ------------------------------------
# Large dataset, exclude dots

diamonds %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = factor(cut), y = price, fill = factor(cut))) +
  # add half-violin from {ggdist} package
    # adjust bandwidth
    adjust = 0.5,
    # move to the right
    justification = -0.2,
    # remove the slab interval
    .width = 0,
    point_colour = NA) +
  # boxplot
    width = 0.12,
    # exclude outlier points
    outlier.color = NA,
    alpha = 0.5) +
  # Labels
    title = "Distribution of Diamond Prices by Cut",
    x = "Cut",
    y = "Price",
    fill = "Cut"
  ) +
  # Horizontal to vertical  